Have you ever woken up in the middle of night paralyzed? You're not alone

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How many of you people have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone.

The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs before you are about to fall wake up. Many people report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening or evil and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror.

In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing sleep paralysis. The discussion of spiritual experience as an explanation for a bizarre and complex phenomenon that little is known about has been suppressed thus discouraging discussion of it in modern society.(1)

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