
Hydration: What Exactly Am I Drinking?

Some of you may have heard about the scary ingredients found in common sports drinks like Gatorade already. For those of you who haven't, this blog post is for you. Hydration during physical activity is incredibly important- we all know that. Low levels of electrolytes can cause dehydration, muscle cramps, heart irregularities, and more. Beverage companies all have their own versions of drinks supposedly formulated to replete electrolytes and help refuel after workouts. The problem with these drinks is that aside from the essential electrolytes and glucose the body requires after strenuous activity, they also contain additional sugars, dyes and other ingredients that have no health benefit. In fact, some ingredients, like propylene glycol and food dyes have been shown to be detrimental to health. When you think about it, something used to de-ice airplanes should not be in anything you eat or drink. Propylene glycol can potentially cause cell mutations as well as skin, liv...

Make Deodorant out of Cornstarch and Baking Soda

We all stink. We're supposed to. Humans attract mates with their pheromones. At some point along the line, society said, "Hey. Stop stinking." And we all fell into line. I'm OK with this. It makes bus rides more pleasant, and it still seems possible to find a mate without creating olfactory offenses. Let's stop questioning the why we use deodorant and look at the way we use it. Deodorant comes in little plastic packages push-up packs or canisters that squirt a zesty, liquid fragrance under our amrs. Some work by masking smells; others work by reducing moisture. Either way, people seem to come out of the experience less stinky. But what happens when you've used up all that deodorant? You end up with scads of packaging waste.

GCU & Keller, Master Degree online Edu American School PHD Degree

Sponsored links GCU & Keller :  Master degree online edu american school master College university. Evening Degree programs in responde to our students, diverse needs, Grand Canyon university is now offering selected degree programs in an event format. These programs are designet to meet the needs of today's desire work to earn a degree. With programs that meet just one evening per maintaining their career. Many porgrams will be offered on the main GCU campus, located in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona. Some specialized programs may be offered as strategic well as other areas.. Sponsored links Developed specifically for working professionals, these evening programs are designed for a specific number of students. By keeping classes small, students will receive individual attention and progress through the program with the same classmates, providing an opportunity to forge relationships that go beyond the classroom. Evening Program Benefits Convenience. Courses ...

How to respond to wrong texts numbers

Sponsored links Post content This is how you should respond when a wrong number texts you. Sponsored links Someone from my university sent me a friend request. After accepting the request I was waiting a cool conversation, knowing that she was studying in my PHD University. Anyway, the first thing she said was, "Do I know you"? Well,  you should read that name before you send request next time you blind. Technology makes our life better and these days it's impossible to live without it for example phones, computers, smartphones but sometimes we may be in difficult situations like this one, a wrong message by an unknown number. So if you have situation like this one here it is the right answer.

Karma Always Gives You a Lesson

Sponsored links Post content Karma is really something that you should but you can't avoid. Many people give different meaning for karma on university, on work, or office or any other place. But I will tell you my definition about karma with one single pic. Sponsored links KARMA is when you have something and you don't appreciate it. You want something good but the thing is that you can't see it. Your eyes open after everything is gone and you wonder why this happened to me? Anyway, take a look on this photo and you will get the exact definition of karma.

Timing is Everything, And these photos will prove it

Sponsored links Post content Hope its a cloud and not the actual roller coaster...loool Sponsored links Post content  How is this possible, The demographic face made of fire.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of night paralyzed? You're not alone

Sponsored links Post content How many of you people have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone. The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs before you are about to fall wake up. Many people report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening or evil and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror. In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing slee...