Make Deodorant out of Cornstarch and Baking Soda

We all stink. We're supposed to. Humans attract mates with their pheromones. At some point along the line, society said, "Hey. Stop stinking." And we all fell into line. I'm OK with this. It makes bus rides more pleasant, and it still seems possible to find a mate without creating olfactory offenses. Let's stop questioning the why we use deodorant and look at the way we use it. Deodorant comes in little plastic packages push-up packs or canisters that squirt a zesty, liquid fragrance under our amrs. Some work by masking smells; others work by reducing moisture. Either way, people seem to come out of the experience less stinky. But what happens when you've used up all that deodorant? You end up with scads of packaging waste.